Potty training just started for Marilyn so life has been messy to say the least. We started out with a pee pee accident in Pali's closet. (Why the closet?!) Most recently she deposited in Pali's bedroom while they were playing.
I should have prefaced this by saying that at the beginning of potty training I put the girls in dresses with nothing under so they can feel when something happens. This works well but they have to...um, feel it a few times before they get it. Well Marilyn "felt it" and it scared the silly out of her. I heard blood curdling screaming and just started running because someone had clearly lost a limb. I was wrong. Just a turd.
This brings me to the fun part of our story. Over the weekend we had a youth fundraising yard sale at our house and Marilyn is of course potty training so naked butt under a dress it is. (As you know, I'm putting all my effort into growing a child.) In the afternoon my uterus decided it would be a good time to do some stretching so inside I went to lay down until my abdomen was done torturing me.
Some time later, my husband comes into our bedroom and informs me that Marilyn had pooped in the driveway. Still in pain, I lay in bed and remark, "Of course she did!" 10-20 minutes later when I could no longer take the fetal position I got up and went back outside.
As I walk out the door I see lots of people shopping (YAAAS) but then I looked down to step out of the house and there it is. A glorious turd. This was not a normal dropping from a normal two year old. This was the culmination of the snack crate someone had brought, the gallons of pool water she had ingested, and the endless $5 hot-n-ready's from a weekend of 95 degree ”yard saleing”!
Not only had NO ONE PICKED IT UP (Remember when I said there were lots of people shopping? They were shopping with a turd.) but it also hadn't fallen over like normal excrement would. It stood tall like the bio-enhanced super turd that it was. Gloriously standing tall as a ripe landing strip for the neighborhood flies. Waving hello to the customers who were lending their hard earned dollars to our poo-phobic youth group. After running faster than a gazelle to the paper towel, the bio-excrement was cleaned up and all was well in the kingdom.
Let me just take this moment to make a shameless plug. After this incident Marilyn's white dress was left with a skid mark from bum to toe, 'skid mark' doesn't even do this monstrosity justice. It was a busy weekend so the dress sat...ewwy. Before washing it today I used some Norwex stain remover and POOF it was gone. (Can I get a Hallelujah!?)
Basically, potty training is an experience. We are almost two days strong with no accidents (praise break). Marilyn starts to cry when she feels that she needs to go potty and screams bloody murder when it comes out. There is a cut garbage bag under Marilyn's crib sheet to catch the accidents because mom life ain't free and that's alright. We'll get there.
If anyone needs me, I'll be catching poo,