A few months after Marilyn was born our lives finally regained a sense of normalcy. She was on something of a schedule and I was able to return to my churchly duties. I was super excited to return to the music team because music is life. Plus this meant that if Marilyn started crying, someone else would take care of it. *shameless mom break*
I remember finding this amazing light green, silk, Japanese inspired dress at a thrift store and it fit like it was made for me. (YAAAS) It also fastened across the front so I could nurse Marilyn in it. (Double YAAAS) I finally decided to wear that gorgeous creation to church and as we were singing, I switched my microphone to the other hand. We were on our third song and had one more to go. As I switched hands, my arm brushed across my chest and I felt something...er, different.
Upon a sneak examination, I realized that I had leaked through my nursing pad. *frozen face of horror* Did I mention that I was singing a solo in the fourth song? (So many eyeballs!) Stuck like a duck. Mind you, this was not a little dot on my dress. This was a fist sized circle that turned light green silk to shimmering forest green.
I did the best I could to keep my arms half bent. The Spirit of the Lord had left my focus. (He understood) I tilted as to point the blemish from the eyes of, well, everyone.
I made it through the last song with no one noticing! (This is just what I tell myself, there are probably jokes.) While the last note was ringing in the monitors, I scooted off the platform as gracefully as possible, found my keys and went outside while texting Daniel to tell him I was out! I raced home, changed, and returned to church.
There were of course people that noticed my transformation because I couldn't have just worn black that day like a normal person. Upon their weird look and quick, "Were you wearing something different?" remark, I responded with a well executed fib. Not really... I looked at them, started laughing and said, "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!..." Because what fun is life if you only fail privately?
After this, um, experience I went online and ordered some absorbent bamboo nursing pads from amazon. Still have them actually. They will make their return.
Moral of the story, I'm a mess. Welcome.
Trying to find my brain,