I've mentioned the enneagram test on here but for those of you who have no idea what that is, let's explore. The enneagram is a personality test that gives you a dominant type and a wing type. The dominant type is where your personality stems from while the wing is a type from which you draw traits. Every person is completely unique and while two people can have the same type, they draw different traits from their type and express them differently.
If you're like me (You probably are) you have a friend that has been nagging you to take this test they just discovered because it will change your life. But instead of taking it, you forget and move on (me). Let me just say that your friend is right and this will actually change your life.
There are so many aspects of myself that for so long I assumed were my flaws and kind of hid them. I didn't understand why I was me and when it came to my husband...yikes! I used to get so upset at the things he did and could not understand why he couldn't change certain things that frustrated me.
Then, we took the test. I learned that those things I had been suppressing about myself weren't some weird curse but part of my personality. They were a result of how my brain operated and were in no way my flaws. Through this test I learned how to handle those less appealing traits and how to grow myself socially and spiritually.
When it comes to my husband, he read the description of his type, 1w9, and chuckled uncomfortably because it was saying everything I had been telling him for years. He could no longer deny it. *victorious smirk* But through this I realized that he isn't trying to urk me, his brain is wired differently. Why hadn't I thought of that before this?
Now I'm not sure that I'm the best person to write about this because I'm something of a special case. Why? I'm glad you asked. Because I'm actually two types. I'm almost a completely level type 5 and type 9. This would be less weird if I wasn't also one of the oddest combinations, 9w8. Nines are the peacemakers while eights are the challengers. (My brain is just a nut box) I've read that this type is rare and confusing because these two types contradict each other. I'm passive and a protector all at the same time. *mouth open*
For those of you in the back, I'm a peacemaker/challenger/thinker.
I have struggled my entire life, and continue to do so, to fit in. I have never felt like I really belonged in any group and often just feel like I'm looking in from the outside just trying to belong. This hurt for so long until I realized that it's just part of who I am. I'm a peacemaker, I don't want to feel excluded. I'm a challenger, I get upset when I feel different but my type nine keeps me quiet. I'm a thinker, I analyse the situation to discover why I am this way. Learning this helped me come to terms with, well, me.
I've even started 'typing' my children. *muahaha* They're still young so there types aren't really set in stone yet but reading about their possible personality types has helped me learn how to parent them because they respond differently to everything. They're each hurt by things that don't affect the other.They need different things to help them feel loved. (Learning is fun-my type 5 speaking) I mean if it were possible, I would type my cat...(Challenge accepted)
The moral of my enneagram story, there should be extensive research on my brain. If you haven't, I encourage you to discover your type. Learn something about yourself (My type 5 speaking) and maybe even put some things to rest within you. (That's my type 9 speaking)
There is a series of Podcasts by Sandals Church that discuss each type and how they fit into the church. They'll definitely convict you about some things you've been denying but they should be heard by every single person. It may seems silly and I've even heard someone say that they don't believe in this test because everyone is different. Well yes, we are all different. (I am the poster child for different) That's why there are nine types with different wings. Take the test, your cynical view is probably part of your personality. (Got ya!)
Over here confusing people,